Bernhard Luder

Before receiving coaching and meeting George, I was seriously disillusioned, frustrated and considering giving up the business.

Despite having various opportunities, the business was going backwards, there was no profit and I saw no future. I was very much caught up in the day to day operations, there was no down time and things were stressful. As I often travel internationally, I literally needed to be available on the computer or phone 24/7.

Furthermore, I had over invested into the business and was in denial about this as I was not monitoring the financials.

With George’s guidance and support, I went about restructuring the business. We analysed all the areas of my business and created action plans to improve them. From our products and pricing, to the margins being made on specific customers, all the way down to how I was personally utilising my time.

The results have been very pleasing.

  • The financial situation has turned around dramatically, from making a 10% loss to having a consistent 30% profit
  • The business now operates mostly without me and instead of being stressed all the time, I now really enjoy my business and the opportunities it provides
  • I still regularly travel internationally and in the last 2 years, I have not had to take a single call or log onto the computer at all
  • I now view myself as an entrepreneur and have the time to focus on the growth of the company

If you have a chance to work with George, I suggest you take it. It will be one of the best decisions you could make for not only your business, but for yourself as well.

Bernhard Luder
Managing Director
BlueNET Pty Ltd

George Zenon is a multi-award winning Business Strategist, Business Coach, Entrepreneur, Presenter and Best Selling Author.