


36 Actionable ways to unlock profit and jump-start growth

"Owning a business is one of the most powerful vehicles to create opportunity, build a meaningful legacy as well as provide you with a lifestyle of choice and freedom."

My goal for Booming Business is to make a significant, positive and long lasting impact on 1,000,000 business owners around the world.


I believe that the better a business becomes, the better leadership it demands.

Better business leaders create better opportunities for themselves and for others. They supply better products and services, provide better (and more) employment opportunities as well as encourage and enable innovation.

These in turn, drive the greater economy forward – benefiting everyone.


The Short Version

I’m a multiple award winning Business Coach and Best Selling Author.

Over the last 20 years I’ve directly helped more than 489 business owners across 34 industries add over $564 Million in new revenue, as well as improve all areas of business performance.

During that time I also helped build the largest business coaching firm in the world and led the highest performing team in the industry.

I own multiple successful businesses of my own and utilise the same strategies and frameworks that I do with clients.

I believe in giving back. In early 2016, I helped launch KIK Innovation, a social venture that arms at risk and disadvantaged youth with the relevant training, education and ongoing support to start and run a successful business.

My Story

From a Young Age…

I’ve always had a deep interest and passion for business. My family, on both sides have been in various different businesses and growing up in and around the action, I always found the challenges, opportunities and advantages of business to be fascinating.

From the age of 7, my pocket money came from being the “go to kid” at school for buying, trading or selling whatever the latest or greatest fad sweeping through the playgrounds at the time was. I became so good at this, that the school demanded I stop as they didn’t deem it to be “proper” and strongly suggested I pursue a more “traditional” vocation.

Early Wins...

Luckily I didn’t take that advice, and over the years my ventures became a bit more serious. By the time I was finishing University, I had built a successful e-commerce business selling IT equipment. Though I finished my degree in Commerce, I much preferred a more practical approach to learning and took on the task of continually educating myself.

I would devour any business book I could get my hands on, commonly going through at least a book a week. Rather than partying, I would spend my weekends attending business related seminars and would take what I deemed to be successful business people out for lunch or coffee to pick their brains.

I loved every second and was able to apply it all right away.

It was around this same time that I was fortunate enough to be nominated for, and went on to win a highly prestigious national business award – bringing a lot of publicity and recognition as it was sponsored by many of the countries largest and well known companies.

The Shift…

I was in my early 20s with a successful business that mostly ran without me. I was living through my “15 minutes of fame” and had a handful of very lucrative corporate job offers on the table – yet ultimately, I found myself wondering why I was feeling unfulfilled.

Then it dawned on me… By any measure, I was doing really well. But, in the greater scheme of things I didn’t feel like I was making any real impact.

By this time, I’d started consulting to other business owners on how to improve their sales and marketing initiatives and was seeing amazing results. I knew I could be “playing a bigger game” and more importantly I realised that I immensely enjoyed helping others do the same.

One major problem – sales and marketing are only pieces of a larger puzzle. The better the results I would get with clients, the more it would expose challenges in other areas of their business.

Cashflow often became a problem for a lot of them, lead times would shoot out, customer service would drop away, etc. In fact, I realised that most businesses lack a cohesive and well thought out strategy for growth. Most operate reactively, dealing with issues on a day to day basis and wonder why things aren’t improving in a meaningful way.

The Breakthrough…

I wanted to change things – quickly – and knew that in order to best help my clients, a holistic approach that focused on all areas of business performance was required.

I’d long since determined that your business is an asset and needs to be treated as such. Whether you want to build it up and sell, expand and open new locations or simply have the income to fund your lifestyle – as well as have the time to enjoy it – the steps involved are mostly similar…

You need to build a profitable, scalable business that can operate without you.

I’d experienced this myself and figured a great “stretch goal” would be to help 100 people achieve the same. The only challenge, was that I didn’t yet have the platform or vehicle to facilitate this.

Now, I’m a big believer that opportunity presents itself when you’re seeking it, and a few weeks later I was first introduced to the concept of Business Coaching. Back then (more than a decade ago), it was a very young but fast growing industry and seemed to be exactly what was needed.

I decided to go all in and embark on what’s become a highly rewarding career.

The Outcomes…

I decided to enter the industry via purchasing a franchise, and within 2 years I was rated in the top 1% of business coaches globally (based on revenue and client results) and was winning numerous industry awards.

A few years later I joined forces with some other industry leaders to build a professional business coaching firm. I was responsible for building the team and ensuring our clients achieved amazing results. This venture went on to become the largest business coaching firm in the world, with the highest performing team globally.

For the last 20 years, I’ve worked one-on-one and directly helped more than 489 business owners, across 34 industries, to improve all areas of business performance.

I estimate that this has easily added well over $564 million in new revenue, resulted in the successful recruitment of more than 1600 new team members, as well as healthy profit increases across the board.

In addition to coaching, I’ve owned multiple businesses of my own – utilising the same strategies and frameworks I do with clients. These include several current and successful ventures in retail, training, professional services, sales and marketing and hospitality.

I’ve written two best selling business books. The recently published “Small Changes Huge Results – How Successful Businesses Grow, Scale And Thrive” launched to Best-Seller status nationally and abroad, while my previous title “Bold Brave Business – Strategies to Amplify Your Profit, Scale and Growth” became a best-seller within 7 days of launching in the USA, Canada, UK, Australia and Germany.

Giving Back...

I also strongly believe in creating opportunity for others who are less fortunate. So, in early 2016 I helped launch, and am now the Chairman of ‘KIK Innovation’, a social venture that arms at risk and disadvantaged youth with the relevant training, education and ongoing support to start and run a successful business.

The venture has attracted a multitude of national partners and secured government accreditation, as well as funding. It has gone on to spawn multiple businesses and changed the lives of numerous young people.

Getting Back...

Overall I am most proud of the fact, that I get to help make a significant, positive and long lasting impact on the lives of many different people.

You see, I’d always thought that business was my passion, but when I began seeing the transformation and growth people go through as part of the coaching process, as well as the opportunities (both financial and time) that their businesses began providing for them – that’s when I discovered what I was truly passionate about!

Being a key part of that journey is a great privilege that I am constantly grateful for.

The Lessons…

Along the way, I’ve learnt some very important lessons. It wasn’t always easy and certain things made a big difference in my own businesses as well as with clients:

  1. Take action within 24 hours of learning something useful – or it won’t get implemented
  2. There is a process to success in business. Follow it ruthlessly and don’t get distracted by “shiny objects”
  3. When it comes to building teams, mindset, attitude and values beat all else. Ensure all key people are aligned with yours. Never compromise on this
  4. Ask for help and seek advice early, quickly and often
  5. Keep learning and growing. Recurring challenges will persistently arise – testing you – until you grow and can overcome them

36 Actionable ways to unlock profit and jump-start growth